
Trustees Review Strategy

The four trustees met face to face for the first time recently, appropriately at a mind sports centre, aka the Young Chelsea Bridge Club. We had met several times before but via Zoom.

Being such a new team (half a few months, half only a few weeks) we wished to have a good debate about what the strategy of EBED should be over the next five years and firm up on what our top priorities are and what may also be important but addressed less immediately. We are ambitious but as a small organisation and it would be unwise to try to do everything at once.

EBED trustees meet to discuss strategy

EBED's new trustees got together at the Young Chelsea Bridge Club recently. This was an opportunity for the new faces to meet and set priorities and strategy for the organisation.

Pictured here, (left to right) are: William Bourne (treasurer), Ian Sidgwick (Chair), Abbey Smith and Tony Cherrett.

New EBED National Youth Officer Appointed

The Board of Trustees are pleased to announce that Charlie Bucknell and BucknellBridge have been engaged to provide leadership and coordination to our drive to expand youth bridge.

Charlie has represented England in the under-26 squad and is a former junior world championship bronze medallist and now coaches the under-21 squad. He has been active in youth bridge for a few years, supporting our youth camps and teaching bridge to school children.


New CEO to be Appointed at EBED

Following changes in his private circumstances Mark Humphris has decided to bring forward by some months the date he had planned to step back from his role and will be leaving EBED later this summer.
Mark remains a friend of EBED and no doubt will continue to participate and contribute to the game.
We are grateful to him for his support over the transition to the new trustee team and all that he has contributed in both of his roles with us.
The search for a replacement has begun.
Ian Sidgwick
Chairman EBED