RealBridge & BAMSA: Teacher and Coach Conference

RealBridge and BAMSA (Bridge: A MindSport for All) have arranged a short online conference on 7/8 October 2023 for bridge teachers, coaches and mentors.

The speakers are from around the world. Some material will be pre-recorded and subtitled. The entire conference will be recorded and made available subsequently.

For full information and to register for the event, go the RealBridge website with the link below.

Here is a flavour of the topics: (See full details using the link below)

- Information on new approaches to teaching
- Channels, ideas and tools to market the game and the services
- Benefits of providing or earning accreditation
- How teachers can become the best version of themselves through personal development
- Youth players: organizational considerations, successes, issues, attitudes of schools
- Best ways to teach children and youth: practices, techniques, interactions, differences from adult teaching
- Approaches to coaching: supporting and overseeing the entire development of a player (as distinct from instructional teaching)

Link for information and sign up:

3rd October 2023