EBED Trustees

English Bridge Education & Development (EBED) is a charity registered with the Charity Commission. It is an independent charity working alongside the EBU to develop and promote duplicate bridge in England.

The charity has two public benefit objectives: the furtherance of duplicate bridge as an activity which enriches the life of all, and, secondly, a specific aim to foster duplicate bridge among those in full-time education.

The charity is likely, in the near future to need a number of new Trustees and we wish to establish a list of people we could approach, as and when we have specific vacancies. We are looking for people with the following attributes:

  • Interested and enthusiastic about bridge education and teaching people to play bridge;
  • Some experience of being on a committee;
  • Willing to serve on one of the charity’s sub-committees;
  • Able to attend 4 Trustee meetings in London each year;
  • Sufficient time to deal with EBED business, answer emails, contribute to discussions and decisions, lead small development projects etc.

If you think you meet these criteria and would be willing to donate some of your time for the benefit of bridge players nationwide, then please complete this expression of interest form and email it as an attachment to the charity’s CEO at donna@ebedcio.org.uk.

Trustees are unpaid volunteers but the charity pays all expenses associated with being a Trustee.

Andrew Petrie
EBED Chairman